Who Can Benefit From CEREC Crowns?

Cerec Scottsdale, AZ

The convenience of CEREC® crowns makes them a popular option for patients with moderate to severe dental problems. CEREC design/manufacture systems allow dentists to create same-day restorations as their patients wait.

In addition to quick treatment, same-day CEREC crowns are just as durable as those made in a dental lab. Better yet, the patient gets to see a preview of the end-product, allowing them to request adjustments if need be.

All this sounds great, and CEREC almost seems too good to be true. The good news is that technology and innovation deliver convenience, even in dentistry. That being said, are CEREC® crowns suitable for everybody?

Differences between CEREC® crowns and conventional crowns

CEREC is a proprietary system that handles the design, modeling, and fabrication phases of a same-day crown. Computerizing the creation of a dental crown increases the speed and accuracy of the entire process.

Digital scans of the patient’s teeth eliminate the need for a physical mold of the patient’s dental arch. This does away with the need for a patient to bite down on putty, which is uncomfortable. 

The scans act as an input, which the CEREC uses to create a digital mold of the patient’s tooth. This digital mold is, at the very least, as accurate as a putty impression.

A dentist will then use the digital model to design a dental crown with a perfect fit. Fabrication is just as accurate, with a milling unit sculpting a crown using the dentist’s design as a blueprint. The chances of error at this stage are close to zero. The happy result is a dental restoration that fits perfectly, all in a single dentist appointment.

Good candidates for CEREC crowns

It is worth noting that CEREC crowns are not for everyone. For example, a person with a small cavity only needs a filling. A person with a small chip on their tooth can get by with a veneer. Dental crowns become an option in the following scenarios:

1. Extensive tooth decay

Moderate to severe tooth decay weakens the structure of the tooth. This leaves the tooth vulnerable to breakage, fracture, and outright disintegration. A crown saves a natural tooth from extraction, leaving the tooth root intact. This allows the jaw to get the stimulation it needs from the roots of natural teeth.

2. Dental restoration after root canal therapy

Pulpitis or a dead tooth may weaken the structure of the tooth, leaving it vulnerable to breakage and re-infection. In such cases, a filling may be inadequate reinforcement for the tooth. A crown would be the best way to reinforce the tooth and create a physical barrier that prevents re-infection.

3. Individuals who sustain a severe injury on one or more teeth

A blow to the mouth can reduce a tooth to a fragment of its former self. The result is a crooked smile and a tooth that is vulnerable to further breakage. A crown can salvage the tooth, saving it from extraction.

4. Individuals with missing teeth

Implant-supported crowns are a replacement for missing teeth. The dental implants that anchor the crown stimulate bone regeneration in the jaw. As a result, the mass and density of the jawbone remain at the same level as with a natural tooth.

A dentist may also use crowns to anchor a bridge. The dentist will either place the crown on a natural tooth or place two implant-supported crowns on either end of the gap.

5. People in need of cosmetic dentistry

CEREC crowns can correct a gapped smile due to a bad bite or missing teeth. They can also correct:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Discoloration

The versatility of the dental crown makes it the perfect addition to a smile makeover or full mouth reconstruction.

A brighter smile is only a dental appointment away

Thanks to CEREC®, you can enjoy a healthy set of teeth once again. Call us to find out the different ways our dentist can restore the appearance and function of your teeth.

Request an appointment here: https://www.refinedsmile.com or call Terry W Rudnyk, DDS, PC at (480) 240-5713 for an appointment in our Scottsdale office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: CEREC in Scottsdale, AZ.

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